Saturday, January 30, 2010

Campidlogio and Capitaline museum

Piazza Campidlogio was designed by Michealangelo and sits at the top of the Capitaline Hill. The museum had an exhibit on Michealangelo's work so we decided to go today because of the rain. It was really a once in a life time exhibit with some of his original sketches and notes for things such as the Sistine Chapel. The building was also amazing the wall decorations were very ornate. We had been to the Piazza already with a couple of our classes.
Yesterday we met here for our class that is lead by an archeologist. He is a funny old man who is incredibly intelligent and told us about the geology of Rome as well as informing us about all of the forums that had been built in that area. It was a three hour tour and it rained through part of it but luckily not to bad.

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  1. That's quite an interesting statue of the cow there. I bet that's how my dad and yours got their milk when they were kids. haha. Anyways, hopefully everything's going well!

  2. That's actually a wolf and the babies are Remus and Romulus founders of Rome. The myth goes that they were cared for by this wolf until they were found by farmers
