Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ancient Ruins

So day number 2 after a brief orientation(mostly about what is supposed to go in each of the different colored garbage bins, there are 4). My roommates and I grabbed a delicious lunch then headed out in search of the Colosseum, which as it turns out is only a couple of miles from our apartment.
We crossed the Tiber River into the larger part of the city. Then walked along the river watching the buildings get older the further we went. With little peaks at the Palentine Hill and its ruins we quickly arrived at the Roman Forum. You enter through a large arch which appears to have been part of an aqua duct then you come to the arch of Constantine and the Colosseum both are incredible. We got there as the sun was setting, and despite the busy roads on either side the area has a very calming effect. We walked back along the less sloped side of Palentine Hill which is covered in some of the oldest ruins of the city. It is believed that here is were Remus and Romulus were rescued by the wolf.
After a quick dinner at the apartment, we joined the rest of the school to see a play at a small community theater. We really couldn't understand much but it would definitely be an interesting way to learn more Italian.

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